Gen-PaCS Dataset

Gender Parity in the Civil Service (Gen-PaCS) Dataset

The Gender Parity in Civil Service (Gen-PaCS) Dataset – Version 1.1 is the first public version of a dataset with gender-disaggregated data on employment in public administration across 158 countries and territories from 1951-2020. It includes gender-disaggregated numbers and percentages of employees in the civil service overall, and broken down by ministry, when such data were available. Future versions will make available additional data, including on decision-making levels. Gen-PaCS – Version 1.1 was compiled primarily from government websites and reports, often those of national statistics offices, public administration agencies, and gender-focused ministries. Data sources also include third-party agencies, such as the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD), and academic research.

Preferred Citation

Hughes, Melanie M., Müge Kökten Finkel, and Brianna Howell. 2022. Gender Parity in Civil Service (Gen-PaCS) Dataset. Version 1.1. Released November 1. Gender Inequality Research Lab, University of Pittsburgh.



GenPaCSv1p1.xlsx” – Excel workbook, full dataset, sheets divided by data source into administrative (a), labor force surveys (b), and other or unknown (c)
GenPaCSv1p1a.csv”, “GenPaCSv1p1b.csv”, and “GenPaCS1p1c.csv” – Comma-delimited data files, one for each of the three data sources (a, b, and c)
GenPaCSv1p1a.dta”, “GenPaCS1p1b.dta”, and “GenPaCS1p1c.dta” – Stata dataset files, one for each of the three data sources (a, b, and c)


GenPaCSv1p1Codebook.pdf” – This document, which includes a description of the data, how it was collected, the variables included in the dataset, and coding notes
GenPaCSv1p1MinistryCodebook.xlsx” – Excel file, documenting how ministries were coded into policy areas


Funding to produce Gen-PaCS was provided by grants from the University of Pittsburgh (including the Central Research Development Fund Small Grants Program, and the Integrative Social Science Research Initiative Award, and Pitt Seed Projects).

Funding was also provided by the United Nations Development Fund (UNDP). We are thankful for our strong partnership with UNDP, in particular, with Raquel Lagunas, Alexandra Wilde, and Joanna Hill.


We are grateful to several institutions at the University of Pittsburgh that graciously supported this research since its inception: the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs (GSPIA), the Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences, the Global Studies Center (GSC), the European Studies Centre (ESC), the Ford Institute for Human Security, the University Honors College, and the Offices of the Chancellor and Provost.  

We are also indebted to GIRL’s team of graduate student researchers from the past seven years, with particular thanks to Brittany Duncan and the “Lean 15”, including Anna Baer, Kayla Conforti, Natalia Duarte Mayorga, Sara Fox, Rhea Henry, Rebecca Holland, Brianna Howell, Kanoko Kamata, Samantha Monks, Juliana Monteiro Bernardino, Ihrar Muhammadi, Kathryn Pataki, Samantha Sinn, Andrew Tuznik, and I Younan An, for their essential and excellent contributions.